Wednesday 6 February 2008

Thoughts on the game?

Post game coverage here.

A 2-2 draw is probably a fair result considering we did not play very well at all. We just didn't look sharp and I think Moor (despite his phenominal cross) and Corrales looked pretty bad in the back. Oh well.

I will try to have post-game videos up tomorrow and then the usual Yanks Abroad videos will resume this weekend. In the meantime, what are your thoughts on the game?

There are some great videos through Studio 90 at US Soccer. Here is the link and you can just click on the picture for Pre-game special. There will be a live stream of pre-game coverage from US Soccer starting at 7:30 CST. which you can watch here.

If I find any other links of videos before the game, I will update this. I will do the same after the game and tomorrow if there is anything worthwhile available so check back.

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