Wednesday 3 February 2010

Affordable Wedding Dresses

Affordable Wedding Dresses

There is no way to avoid it: weddings are expensive. The average cost of a wedding in the United States is a jaw dropping $30,000! As part of this figure, brides across America are paying on average between $800 to $1,500 for their wedding dresses. I know your wedding is a very special day, but no matter how you look at it, that is a lot of money for something you will likely wear once. Fortunately, with a bit of work, you can bring this price down to a more realistic number. One way you can do this is by finding affordable wedding dresses.

Buying a custom made wedding dress is often portrayed as being essential if you want to look your best. However, unless you have a very unusual body shape, this will almost always be unnecessary. Just buy a dress off the rack and take it to a good tailor for alterations to have it fitted to your body shape. And because you are buying the dress off the rack, you have immediately increased the number of places were you could actually hope to find an affordable wedding dress. Visit bridal outlet stores without worrying that the dress will fit you like a paper bag.
Affordable Wedding Dresses
No matter where you buy your wedding dress, the number one area to save on when buying a wedding dress is in the fabric. You will, of course, only be wearing the dress once, so you do not need to worry about the long term viability of the dress. You can also assume that no one will pull you aside as you walk down the aisle to check your tag! However, this is not to say that you should be getting a polyester gown! Even using a lower quality satin instead of the standard high quality satin can cut the cost of the dress up two thirds. And frankly, the difference will not be noticeable to anyone in attendance, let alone in the wedding photos. Most designers will offer their wedding dresses in different fabrics; if they are not up front about advertising the fact, go ahead and ask.

You are not going to be able to avoid paying a lot for your wedding, but you can take steps to find affordable wedding dresses. And most importantly, you can do it in a way that will not make you any less beautiful on your big day.

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